Jolly. Merry. Joy. Peace. Rejoice. Believe.
I love Christmas time. Year after year, I wait with anticipation for that time of year where we gather with family and old friends, and celebrate. It's magical. For the life of me, I can't remember many gifts I have longed for, but I do have great memories of tradition, being together and soaking up the season. This year, like every other in my life since I was Avery's age, we will be in Atlanta for the holidays. I am excited for Kaylin to have her first Christmas where Avery had hers, and to make it special in every way we can. Avery and Kaylee don't "get" Christmas yet, but, they do understand some of the most important aspects of it.
My girls love to laugh. They are so JOLLY and sweet. They make everyone around them MERRY, and bring so much JOY to our hearts. We share moments of PEACE and silence together, where we can throw aside our shortcomings and just breathe. Every connection we have with each other is cause for REJOICING, as we know they don't always come easy so we better relish in each moment together. And perhaps most importantly, they BELIEVE in a way only the innocent can. They have no idea what lies outside their little worlds, and there is something so magnificent and wondrous about their simplicity.
I once heard someone say that "Autism is a blessing." At the time I thought that was crazy. But now I see what they meant. Everyday life is so fantastic from my daughter's perspective. The smallest things make her flap with delight and excitement, and she lights up when her world makes sense and is in order. Her innocence is refreshing and pure. Her existence has blessed us beyond measure. That being said, we will go to whatever lengths necessary to ensure that she has a complete and fulfilled life. Even if we have to throw half our income into her treatment. We see no better way to spend our money than on the well being of our children.
So though we may not lavish them with toys and gifts this year, we will remember how truly they define the meaning of Christmas. How the best gifts of all can't be seen or touched... but felt in the time spent together and the warmth of a smile.
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